Pyrenees | Mediterranean Bike trip
After defending my PhD, I made a conscious choice and realised an idea that was in my head for many years. Sometimes, life feels overwhelming with screens, notifications, work, and daily stress, especially doing a PhD. So I decided to step away and embrace simplicity : cycling and bivouacking, first by going around the Pyrenees, and then around the Mediterranean sea.

In April-May, I did a warm-up ride of three weeks starting in Rieumes, the city where I grew up. I pedaled my way through the Pyrenees until the ocean, went to Spain, and all the way to the Mediterranean sea, then heading back to Rieumes. In May, then, I could attend the SFECA 2024 in Albi and gave a talk there.

After that, I set out a longer journey through Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, and Italy, using trains and boats when my bike wasn’t sufficient, and keeping an intentional slow pace. I spent my days cycling and my nights bivouacking, either alone, with friends, or meeting new people along the way. Traveling by bike is one of my favorite because it allows you to conver good distances (in my case around 2400 km with 27000 of elevation gain), while you have time to enjoy each bout, joyful or challenging.

This break wasn’t just about exploring new places—it was about recharging my body and mind, having restful sleeps, daily physical activity and time to wander. Sleeping under the stars and focusing on the act of cycling helped me retreat from my last 3 years, take a step back from my life and gain perspectives. I came back in July to enjoy my time with my relatives, refreshed and full of energy, ready for a new chapter.